Cinematheque KOFA

Current Programme


Director : Ula Stoeckl |
1968 | 91min | D-Cinema |
It's summer of 1967 and Anne, who is French, visits Katharina, a friend and journalist who lives in Munich. The two meet people at a cafe or a party and talk about whether women can be liberated in a patriarchal society. This film paints a dreamlike portrayal of the daily experiences, sexual desires and fantasies of 5 women, including a single woman with a profession, a divorcee who is anxious about her future, a betrayed wife, and an ideal woman, and was later acknowledged as "the first feminist film" from West Germany. It premiered at the International Film Week Mannheim in 1968 and was digitally restored in 2K in Berlin in 2014. Using the Deutsche Kinemathek's original Techniscope-negative film as the original, the Munich Film Museum's color print was referred to in order to restore it as close to the original technicolor as possible. 

Ula Stöckl  (1938~) Born in Ulm, Germany
Ula Stöckl  who says the motto 'The personal is political' was the key to her cinema art is one of the few female directors who went down the path of directing films in the 1960s. Wanting to become a screenwriter, she was the first woman to get into the department for film at the Hochschule fur Gestaltung and made Antigone (1964), a 7-minute classic short film, with a recommendation from Director Alexander Kluge who established the department. She made her directorial debut with her graduation film The Cat Has Nine Lives and went on to make over 20 films. Ula Stöckl's films broke free from the conventional language of cinema and were fantastic and metaphorical, featuring non-professional actors or utilizing documentary type narration to stimulate the audience. 
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