Rental Services


Korean Film Museum permanent Exhibition Entrance.

Korean Film Archive provides rental services of the Korean films among our holdings for the purposes of helping to
facilitate Korean cinema screenings around the world. Upon request, we will check for the availability of the requested
film, as well as provide the contact information of the copyright holder when applicable. The rental service operates in
two different kinds-copy and loan-explained below.

1. Outline

1) Available Materials

  • Copy
    • - Digital file: DSM, DCDM, DCP, HD, SD, MP4
    • - Image: Still image
  • Loan
    • - Film: Negative, Release print

2) Guideline

Users should submit “film usage agreement contract” when they apply for copying or loaning materials whose period of copyright protection is not expired yet.
It also has to be accompanied with other documents-application form, film material user’s guide, etc.
※ When users rent release print, they should screen them for twice in maximum. The application for the loan service
might be rejected if it does not serve the purpose of preservation of films in KOFA.

2. Process

1) Check the archiving status of materials

- Please search the title of a film on KMDb( and check in what kinds of material-film, d-cinema, image-it is archived in KOFA.

2) Inquire about the condition of materials and arrange a schedule

- Please ask if archived materials can be copied or loaned. (E-mail:
- You could check the cost for the service below.

3) Submit the related documents

- Please complete and sign an application form with film material user’s guide, and submit them with a film usage
agreement contract where a copyright holder’s signature is written.

Application form       Film material user’s guide    Film usage agreement contract
※ Additional documents required for loans of films:  
Film projection checklist    Letter of guarantee from a FIAF member

Reference) Films for copyright mediation of KOFA

  • DOC 문서

4) Get notification of the result of your application

5) Pay for the material copying/loan fee

6) Receive and return the hard disk drive or loaned films

  ※ All fares and taxes occurred by shipment of materials should be paid by users.

3. Cost

Material copying/loan fee should be paid in USD. The total amount of the fee will be notified after being exchanged
according to the exchange rate on the date when an invoice is issued.

1) Copy: digital files, images

Material Copying Fee for Digital Files

Material Copying Fee for Digital Files
Type of Digital Files Cost (per piece, KRW) Note
Digital Cinema
DSM/DCDM 800,000 including SOUND
DCP 600,000
Digital File
HD HD : 600,000
mp4 : 300,000
SD SD : 500,000
mp4 : 250,000
Clip(Part of a film) HD : 200,000 Within 5 clips, less than 30 minutes in total
SD : 150,000
mp4 : 100,000

※ When users apply for copying films classified as rare materials or gone through in-depth restoration by KOFA, the
material copying fee is doubled.

Material Copying Fee for Image Files

Material Copying Fee for Image Files
Type of Image Files Cost (per image, KRW)
Still Image
(High resolution)
※ Only the still images from films directed before 1976 can be copied, and the material copying fee is doubled when
users apply for those classified as rare materials.

2) Loan: films

The total fee is doubled when users apply for renting films classified as rare materials.
Material loan fee
Type of Films Cost (per piece, KRW) Note
35mm RP 300,000 per one screening
16mm RP 200,000
Preservation fee
Type of Films Unit Cost (KRW)
35mm Monochrome Master Print per spool 500,000
Negative(Original, Duplicate)
Color Master Print
Negative(Original, Duplicate)
Sound film
16mm Monochrome Master Print per spool 300,000
Negative(Original, Duplicate)
Color Master Print
Negative(Original, Duplicate)
Sound film
  • Material loan fee
  • Preservation fee
  • ※ Extra-arrangement fee is added only for overseas applications submitted by users who have not donated the

4. Cautions

  • The rental service might be limited according to the condition of materials or terms stated with their acquirement.
  • Please consult the person in charge of the service before you apply for it.
  • Usage of materials for purposes not mentioned on an application form is forbidden.
  • Each cost of the service is arranged for the actual expense of copying or loaning, and it is fully reinvested in executions of original duties of KOFA.
  • Please note the guideline and film material user’s guide before applying for the service.
  • Release print should be handled only by qualified projectionists. They might be required to prove their qualifications
    before the loan service get an approval.
  • When users rent films, they should pay for preservation fee as well as material loan fee.

For further information, please email


Inquiry about copying materials

Please refer to the process written above before you complete the form below. It is essential for users to get a copyright
holder’s agreement on their usage unless the protection period of materials is expired.
Inquiry about copying materials
* Applicant’s name
(Organization or Indiv.)
* E-mail address/Phone number
* Purpose of usage
* Title of materials
* Type of materials
DCP Digital file(mov, mp4, etc.) Film Still image
* Date of receiving
* Date of using materials(screening,
broadcasting, etc.)
Note(Link for an
applicant’s homepage,