
The Korea Film Archive building in Paju


The Paju Preservation Center is a facility that opened in 2016 to intensively perform preservation and restoration work
for the Korean Film Archive. Using this dual preservation system in addition to the preservation headquarters in Sangam,
disasters are thoroughly prevented. As it is equipped with various high-tech preservation and research facilities such as
film development and printing facilities and a 4K-based film digitalization and restoration system, the Paju Preservation
Center makes efforts for the transmission of Korean image culture heritage to descendants.

  • Size: Gross Area - 9,092.18㎡ / A five-floor building with a basement
  • Location: 301, Munbal-ro, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do (10881)
  • Main TEL No: +82 (0)31-830-8100
  • Utility Facilities: Film Reference Library