‘Either you stay here and nothing happens. No more pain. Just nothing. Or you go back to the Teufelsberg and everything can happen. Everything that hurts, but everything that is beautiful too. The choice is yours.’
His ingenuity knows no bounds, and his use of original visual effects is as stunning as ever: following his short films Rhino Full Throttle and Berlin Metanoia, Erik Schmitt is back to present his first feature film at Generation, once again co-starring Berlin itself. The film plumbs the depths of the city’s soul, casually rewinding its eventful history all the way back to the Big Bang. The ghosts of Berlin’s legendary figures spout their wisdom, while Cleo tries desperately to reverse the misfortunes of her childhood. A treasure of mythological proportion promises the solution. Together with three quirky but loveable companions, Cleo sets off to find it, on a quest that takes her all over Berlin, back into time and deep into her own emotional world. Berlinale 2019