Cinematheque KOFA

Current Programme

Heungbu And Nolbu ( Heungbuwa Nolbu )

Director : Kang Tae-ung
1967 67min D-Cinema
This film whose main characters are marionettes deals with the old Korean folktale "Heungbu and Nolbu." Greedy elder brother Nolbu kicks his good-natured brother Heungbu out of home and takes all the inheritance from their father. Poor but good man Heungbu one day cures a swallow's broken leg and frees it to fly away. Next year, the swallow comes to Heungbu's and gives him a gourd seed. He plants the seed and split it in fall. A huge amount of gold, silver and gems come out of the gourd, and he becomes rich over a night. Nolbu gets green with envy of him.
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