Cinematheque KOFA

Current Programme

HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR | Hiroshima, My Love

Director : Alain Resnais
1959 90min D-Cinema(4K)
A French woman and a Japanese man have an affair while she is in Japan making a film about peace and the impact of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, The man, an architect, lost his family in the bombing. She recalls her lover during the war, a 23 year-old German soldier who later died. Despite the time they spend together, her attachment appears minimal and they go forward into the future.(IMDb)
Related Programme
1945, Memories of WWⅡ 2017.08.15.Tue ~ 08.20.Sun
  • 2017.08.15.Tue 14:00 Cinematheque 1

  • 2017.08.20.Sun 19:00 Cinematheque 1
